A planned, orderly and sustainably developed Uganda
To guide, coordinate & enforce physical planning to achieve spatial order & sustainable development in Uganda.

Who We Are
The National Physical Planning Board is the highest body in the country that supervises all Physical Planning Activities in the country.
All government and private projects are approved and cleared by the Board to avoid bad planning which may not be in line with the National Physical development plan of the country. These plans are first submitted through the local government of the specific jurisdiction before being forwarded to the Board for further analysis and scrutiny.
What we do...
Inauguration of the NPPB
Section 3 of the Physical planning Act 2010 declares the whole country a Planning Area and brings it under planning control. This implies that all developments whether in urban or rural areas should be subjected to planning approval from either the National Physical Planning Committees as the case may be.
Our Objectives
Conduct any investigation or inquiry relevant to physical planning development in Uganda.
Control, supervise and administer the assets of the Board in such a manner and for such purposes to promote the purpose for which the Board is established.
Order the demolition of any building or structure constructed in contravention of the Physical Planning Act
Issue guidelines, directives or instructions to physical planning committees for proper conduct of physical planning and urban development
Our Partners

Latest Projects

Training of Physical Planners

Newest Developments in the Physical Planning
Our Jurisdiction
Section 3 of the Physical planning Act 2010 declares the whole country a Planning Area and brings it under planning control. This implies that all developments whether in urban or rural areas should be subjected to planning approval from either the National Physical Planning Committees as the case may be.